w3c / encrypted-media

Encrypted Media Extensions
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Provide a guideline on how to detect a browsers implemented EME version #450

Open riksagar opened 5 years ago

riksagar commented 5 years ago

Applications running on the browser currently need to "guess" the compatible version of EME. Players such as DASH-JS try to probe the EME APIs to establish what version of the API is implemented:

Device manufactures, such as Samsung, LG, Vizio, choose seemingly arbitrary versions of the spec to implement in their browsers:

It is not clear, by looking at your github repo., whether there has been any breaking API change between two commits. Nor is it clear what version of the EME API is current. In fact, from what I can see the last time EME really got a "version" it was "0.1b", and that was prior to August 2012!

I understand there's a philosophy about your specs being "living evolving documents". Unfortunately, a TV released in 2016 is not going to evolve with your nightly check-ins. Device manufacturers and application developers need a way to converge on a small sub-set of known, well documented API versions.

Thanks, Rik.

sandersaares commented 5 years ago

This versioning thread might be a good place to ask about the overall EME specification development status. The last I heard of EME was talk of its charter running out. Is there any actual work on EME happening? Or is it all historical right now?

chrisfillmore commented 5 years ago

I could not agree more. I recently had a conversation with a partner at a major device vendor who stated there were no "versions" of EME. Clarity on this would definitely help.