w3c / encrypted-media

Encrypted Media Extensions
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Clarify behaviour around discarded browsing contexts and unloaded windows #466

Closed SingingTree closed 1 year ago

SingingTree commented 4 years ago

What is the appropriate behaviour for requestMediaKeySystemAccess when called on a navigator that is associated with a discarded browsing context or with a window that has been unloaded?

For example, I believe the following will attempt to request access via a navigator associated with a discarded browsing context:

let clearKeyOptions = [
    initDataTypes: ['keyids', 'webm'],
    audioCapabilities: [
      { contentType: 'audio/webm; codecs="opus"' }
try {
  let i = document.querySelector("iframe");
  let nav = i.contentWindow.navigator;
  let mka = nav.requestMediaKeySystemAccess('org.w3.clearkey', clearKeyOptions);
} catch (e) {

The Window unloaded case has come up in Gecko if we request access as a page is navigated away from.

It makes sense to me that these cases should fail, but would be useful to have that specified.

mounirlamouri commented 3 years ago

Discussed briefly during the Sep 8 2020 WG meeting. There is a question about how to express that in term of spec language.