w3c / encrypted-media

Encrypted Media Extensions
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Remove 'persistent-usage-record' MediaKeySessionType #480

Closed gregwfreedman closed 3 years ago

gregwfreedman commented 3 years ago

For various reasons, Netflix has decided not to use the 'persistent-usage-record' MediaKeySessionType moving forward. Before removing this feature from the latest Editor's Draft, I want to know if there's any interest outside Netflix in keeping this feature.

xhwang-chromium commented 3 years ago

I have not heard of any site using this yet. I could add a metric to collect information about usage in Chromium.

mounirlamouri commented 3 years ago

Removing the agenda label as it was discussed at the January meeting.

xhwang-chromium commented 3 years ago

gregwfreedman: I checked Chrome's metrics and there's no usage of persistent-usage-record session type at all so far. Also I've not heard any other interest in using/keeping this feature. Since we also discussed about this in the January meeting without any objections, I think it's safe to remove it from the latest Editor's Draft.

chrisn commented 3 days ago

I see that we still have tests for this feature, obviously these fail because there are no implementations. Could we remove the tests?

xhwang-chromium commented 3 days ago

Thanks for catching that. Yes we should remove them!