w3c / encrypted-media

Encrypted Media Extensions
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Fix base64url reference in keyids registry entry #561

Closed chrisn closed 3 weeks ago

chrisn commented 3 weeks ago

This fixes #560, but when rendered, the reference goes to encrypted-media-1, and I'm not sure how to fix that.

tidoust commented 3 weeks ago

the reference goes to encrypted-media-1, and I'm not sure how to fix that.

That's because data-cite gets the spec URL from Specref and Specref thinks encrypted-media is an alias of encrypted-media-1. I'll prepare a patch to update the info in Specref.

chrisn commented 3 weeks ago

Aha, makes sense. Thank you!

tidoust commented 3 weeks ago

That's because data-cite gets the spec URL from Specref and Specref thinks encrypted-media is an alias of encrypted-media-1. I'll prepare a patch to update the info in Specref.

Specref now returns the right spec for encrypted-media.

chrisn commented 3 weeks ago

I saw the specref discussion, thank you for working through it.