w3c / eurlreq

European language enablement
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Browsers apply extraneous spaces when letter-spacing #23

Open r12a opened 3 years ago

r12a commented 3 years ago

This issue applies to all languages that use letter-spacing.

Various orthographies use letter-spacing to stretch words or phrases. This may be for a purely visual effect, but may also carry semantics, for example in languages such as German and Hebrew it is a way of emphasizing text.

When letter-spacing is applied, authors expect the spaces to occur only within the text to which it is applied.


Currently browsers that apply letter-spacing do so by adding a space after every letter in the text that is tracked. This results in a superfluous space at the end of the range, which creates an inappropriate gap before the following text. Letter spacing at the end of a line makes the line look misaligned in justified or right-justified text. It also has implications for text that has other styling, such as an outline or a coloured background, at the same time as being stretched.

Example in German: 87327736-5c89f780-c52c-11ea-8d22-7b994925d61a

Gecko, Chrome, and Webkit put the letter spacing after a letter even when it is at the end of a line, which makes the line look misaligned in justified or right-justified text.

For now, content authors have to work around the problem by also applying a negative margin to remove the trailing space. This is problematic not only because it requires additional work on the part of the author every time letter-spacing is used, but it is quite likely that the author is unaware that they need to do this, or indeed how to do it.

Tests & results

Interactive test Letter-spaced text should create no space on the outside of the selection

Action taken

CSS issue 1518 The css-text specification requires letter-spacing to only insert space within the selection, not outside, so it is the browser implementations that need to be fixed. However, there is discussion around how to manage backward compatibility if browsers change their implementations.




Given that a workaround is possible, though not really acceptable, this is prioritised as an advanced issue.

r12a commented 3 years ago

The first comment in this issue contains text that will automatically appear in one or more gap-analysis documents as a subsection with the same title as this issue. Any edits made to that comment will be immediately available in the document. Proposals for changes or discussion of the content can be made in comments below this point.

Relevant gap analysis documents include: _Inuktitut/CreeCherokeeChineseDevanagariGeorgianGreekGujaratiGurmukhiHebrewJapaneseKoreanLaoGermanFrenchHungarianOsageTamilThai_

macnmm commented 3 years ago

The ask is similar to how Japanese jidori spacing works, in that you specify the number of em boxes the text should occupy and the text is spaced to fit. Also, mid-line tracking extending the last character's escapement is I think standard behavior for tracking, but at line edge agree it should be ignored.

xfq commented 1 year ago

Add links to browser bug reports.