PR Preview failed to build. (Last tried on Oct 27, 2023, 5:15 PM UTC).
PR Preview relies on a number of web services to run. There seems to be an issue with the following one:
:rotating_light: [CSS Spec Preprocessor]( - CSS Spec Preprocessor is the web service used to build Bikeshed specs.
:link: [Related URL](
Error running preprocessor, returned code: 2.
FATAL ERROR: Missing attribute value.
✘ Did not generate, due to errors exceeding the allowed error level.
_If you don't have enough information above to solve the error by yourself (or to understand to which web service the error is related to, if any), please [file an issue](
The build is complaining about something that wasn't changed in this PR. I tried to just shortcut by using github editor, I'm trying a local build now...
:boom: Error: 400 Bad Request :boom:
PR Preview failed to build. (Last tried on Oct 27, 2023, 5:15 PM UTC).
PR Preview relies on a number of web services to run. There seems to be an issue with the following one: :rotating_light: [CSS Spec Preprocessor]( - CSS Spec Preprocessor is the web service used to build Bikeshed specs. :link: [Related URL]( ``` Error running preprocessor, returned code: 2. FATAL ERROR: Missing attribute value. ✘ Did not generate, due to errors exceeding the allowed error level. ``` _If you don't have enough information above to solve the error by yourself (or to understand to which web service the error is related to, if any), please [file an issue](