w3c / fingerprinting-guidance

What is browser fingerprinting and how should specification authors address it.
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Should include mention of ephemeral fingerprinting #44

Open JensenPaul opened 4 years ago

JensenPaul commented 4 years ago

I think it might be wise to include mention of an additional type of fingerprinting in section 3 of the doc: ephemeral fingerprinting. I use the term ephemeral fingerprinting to mean correlating web observable property changes concurrently observable by multiple sites to join cross-site identities. A thorough explanation that perhaps we can merge into this document is here: https://github.com/asankah/ephemeral-fingerprinting

npdoty commented 3 years ago

This is also noted in the Target Privacy Threat Model doc, related to simultaneous firing of events: https://github.com/w3cping/privacy-threat-model/issues/11

Should this be added as a new type of fingerprinting, or a sub-category of active fingerprinting, or a distinct data source (as listed in https://w3c.github.io/fingerprinting-guidance/#identifying)?

samuelweiler commented 3 years ago

Two answers: 1) new type and 2) something of the last - more of "be aware of sources that may be ephemeral". It's at least partly a new type because things that might not be identifying in and of themselves (what sound is playing in your room AT THIS MOMENT) is suddenly interesting.

samuelweiler commented 1 year ago

@npdoty Devices and Sensors Working Group, at TPAC, flagged the lack of docs on ephemeral fingerprinting. We should probably address this issue.

hober commented 11 months ago

If the fingerprinting guide adopts a change along these lines, I'd love to incorporate it by reference in the Privacy & Security Questionnaire!