w3c / geofencing-api

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Redudant assertion #3

Closed marcoscaceres closed 9 years ago

marcoscaceres commented 9 years ago

This is redundant:

"The geofencing attribute exposes a GeofenceManager, which has an associated service worker registration represented by the ServiceWorkerRegistration on which the attribute is exposed."

As the IDL already says that, you don't need the above.

mkruisselbrink commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure about this. I kind of agree that the text doesn't add much, but it also seems weird to have a field without any description.

At least the push-api spec has similar language: "The pushManager attribute exposes a PushManager, which has an associated service worker registration represented by the ServiceWorkerRegistration on which the attribute is exposed (and phrased slightly different in the WD).

marcoscaceres commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure about this. I kind of agree that the text doesn't add much, but it also seems weird to have a field without any description.

Only add a description if it needs a description. Seriously tho, here you don't need one. It means you need to keep two things up to date.

At least the push-api spec..

Not known to be the best example of a well-written spec. Example of a good spec: https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org

mkruisselbrink commented 9 years ago

That makes sense. Somehow I always make the mistakes of copying from the wrong examples :)