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change "pending" to "untriaged" #11

Open samuelweiler opened 4 years ago

samuelweiler commented 4 years ago

WebAudio is using an "Untriaged" label. I find that clearer.

plehegar commented 4 years ago

@r12a , wdyt?

r12a commented 4 years ago

Had you suggested it earlier, i may have concurred, but it's not just a question of changing a label name: I would have to change documentation in several places, change various tools, and socialise the change among current users. So, no, i'm not keen to do that.

plehegar commented 4 years ago

closing for now. could be reopened later during a cross-horizontal discussion or so.

samuelweiler commented 4 years ago

I'm going to reopen it now so we don't drop it. Also debating whether I feel strongly enough to ask us to special-case it.

r12a commented 4 years ago

fwiw, the original use of this label was for comments that had been created in the HR repo by a reviewer pending discussion by the i18n WG about whether or not to forward the comment to the spec WG. In that use, triaging wasn't really the point - rather the label indicated that the issue was hanging around pending a decision from the group. For the other uses of the pending label, we felt it would make life simpler not to create yet another label, since 'pending' was close enough.

If we were to change 'pending' to 'untriaged' it would require a significant amount of work and time to ripple that change out to all the necessary places, which i don't think would be justified by the gain.