w3c / html-aria

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fix typo for `application` #159

Closed yuheiy closed 4 years ago

yuheiy commented 5 years ago

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scottaohara commented 5 years ago

Thanks for filing the issue, @yuheiy

There does seem to be a bit of a misalignment here.

aria 1.1 notes that aria-expanded is not supported on role=application. However, aria 1.2 has it listed under the supported states and properties.

There is an issue that was just opened to clarify the allowed roles for aria-expanded, where this specific allowance was brought up. So for now it makes sense to wait on the outcome of that issue.

siusin commented 5 years ago

Marked as non substantive for IPR from ash-nazg.

scottaohara commented 4 years ago

So, ARIA will be allowing aria-expanded on application, at least in 1.2 but I don't think this will be changed going forward either.

The changed marker has also been removed (along with all changed / new markers) via another PR. So this PR is no longer necessary.

Thank you for raising it / helping to prompt some further discussion over in the ARIA WG per this attribute allowance.