w3c / html-aria

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body element and global aria attributes #450

Open scottaohara opened 1 year ago

scottaohara commented 1 year ago

As a follow on to https://github.com/w3c/html-aria/pull/447

Should any global attributes be allowed on the body element, or if they are still allowed, should they not be accompanied with a warning that the attribute is either likely to do nothing, or potentially be problematic? A note or an authors should not might be sufficient... i don't want to make errors if the attribute doesn't do anything at all.

aria-atomic (arguably useful to mitigate one's problematic use of aria-live) aria-busy (potentially problematic) aria-controls (seems useless here) aria-current (the current body one is interacting with if... say... there are iframes?) aria-describedby (described by its contents?) aria-details (are detailed by its contents?) aria-dropeffect (someone going to pick up the body and drop it somewhere?) aria-flowto (hmm...) aria-grabbed (someone going to grab the whole body?) aria-keyshortcuts (hmm...) aria-live (never seen this used where it wasn't a problem) aria-owns (it's the body... it already owns everything...) aria-relevant (re: aria-atomic comment)

aria-label, aria-labelledby and aria-roledescription are prohibited on generics aria-hidden=true is now disallowed on the body