w3c / html-aria

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Implicit aria semantics for <th> with set scope attribute #495

Open jlp-craigmorten opened 7 months ago

jlp-craigmorten commented 7 months ago

According to html-aam:

If scope="row" then map th to rowheader If scope="col" then map th to columnheader

REF: https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aam-1.0/#att-scope

Should this be reflected in the conformance requirements of html-aria for the implicit aria semantics for the <th> element as something user-agents are expected to map implicitly for accessibility APIs? Currently it states:

role=columnheader, rowheader or cell if the ancestor table element is exposed as a role=table

role=columnheader, rowheader or gridcell if the ancestor table element is exposed as a role=grid or treegrid

No corresponding role if the ancestor table element is not exposed as a role=table, grid or treegrid

REF: https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#docconformance-attr

I.e. update to something like:

role=columnheader, rowheader or cell if the ancestor table element is exposed as a role=table

role=columnheader, rowheader or gridcell if the ancestor table element is exposed as a role=grid or treegrid

role=rowheader if the th element has attribute scope=row

role=columnheader if the th element has attribute scope=column

No corresponding role if the ancestor table element is not exposed as a role=table, grid or treegrid