w3c / htmlwg

HTML Working Group
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HTML Standard (Jan 2020): review tracker #8

Open siusin opened 4 years ago

siusin commented 4 years ago


PRs between Jul 2019 and Jan 2020






hober commented 4 years ago

The TAG's review is complete: w3ctag/design-reviews#499

matatk commented 4 years ago

The Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) group's review is complete, with no concerns to be raised. [APA meeting minutes]

There have been several positive changes that relate to, and may raise awareness of, accessibility recently, including the inclusion of accessibility considerations and clarifications on focusability and label activation behaviour.

I attached a summary of review results both for the PRs highlighted above, and for the other commits during the review timeframe, to my results email to the APA list in case you would like any background details.

aphillips commented 4 years ago

The I18N WG's review is complete and we are satisfied that the new snapshot does not introduce any new issues.

Resolution: https://www.w3.org/2020/05/21-i18n-minutes.html Tracked at: https://github.com/w3c/i18n-request/issues/113

We continue to work with the WHATWG on open issues in the HTML and related specifications. [I18N-ACTION-913]