w3c / i18n-actions

Action item tracker for the i18n WG.
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read Murata-san's ruby-t2s-req and Chinese requirements and Zaima and see what we're going to do #54

Closed ghurlbot closed 7 months ago

ghurlbot commented 8 months ago

Opened by xfq via IRC channel #i18n on irc.w3.org

Due: 2023-11-01 (Wednesday 1 November)

xfq commented 8 months ago

Related discussion: https://www.w3.org/2023/10/25-i18n-minutes.html#t03

dyacob commented 8 months ago

Saw the minutes and thought to add some references to review for consideration. The yacob.org reference is a bit dated, the following is more current (2017) and supersedes that document: https://w3c.github.io/elreq/zaima/ (note that the "Supporting Zaima In Browsers" section has bit-rotted).

Another work worth reviewing if there is some thought to revise W3C Ruby markup. From the TEI journal, see the paper "Rubi as a Text: A Note on the Ruby Gloss Encoding", in particular the section "4.1.2 Our Proposed Schema and Encoding Model" : https://journals.openedition.org/jtei/4403#tocto3n2

xfq commented 8 months ago

Thank you!

I think it would be useful to add a link to it in https://github.com/w3c/elreq#documents

ghurlbot commented 7 months ago

Closed by @aphillips via IRC channel #i18n on irc.w3.org