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Describe cases where jukugo ruby is not like group ruby #1865

Open r12a opened 1 week ago

r12a commented 1 week ago

This is a tracker issue. Only discuss things here if they are i18n WG internal meta-discussions about the issue. Contribute to the actual discussion at the following link:

§ https://github.com/w3c/html-ruby/issues/22

frivoal commented 1 week ago

Example 8 contains says (among other things):

Whether—and how much—the annotations are merged can vary, and can depend on the font size, as “jukugo ruby“ only merges annotations when at least one of them is longer than its base.

This is intended to open the door to what is mentioned in this issue, without getting too far into the weeds of layout, since this isn't a layout spec. Do you think we need more?