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i18n-ISSUE-487: Consider adding a language tag to indicate the language of an error message #90

Closed r12a closed 4 years ago

r12a commented 8 years ago


Raised by:Steven Atkin Opened on:2015-08-19

10 Vehicle Interface Error http://www.w3.org/TR/2015/WD-vehicle-information-api-20150616/#idl-def-VehicleInterfaceError

Which languages may be used in the error message? If languages other than English are permitted then you may want to add an attribute to the interface to clearly indicate the language of the message.

You may want to consider modifying this interface to permit an array of messages tagged with their language so that the interface could return messages in more than one language. This would enable an end-user to select from a list of possible languages to see messages in.

If you add a language tag then you should follow the BCP47 recommendations https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47

Do not use the ISO639-1 2 letter codes for languages.

One of the problems with using ISO 639-1 2 letter codes is that it does not adequately address the handling of Chinese. For example, in ISO 639-1 Chinese is represented as zh. This code cannot indicate whether the writing system is Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese. The BCP47 standard clearly indicates which writing system is in use. In this case if Simplified Chinese was being used the code would be zh-Hans and for Traditional Chinese it would be zh-Hant.

r12a commented 4 years ago

Closing because the document was published as a deprecated WG Note in Jun 2018. Leaving a recycle label in place in case this comes up again, since it indicates that the issue wasn't addressed.