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Devanagari: 4.6 Initial letter styling - Add legit examples; styling behavior should be driven by rules in Unicode UTR 29? #43

Open alolita opened 5 years ago

alolita commented 5 years ago


We need to real usage specimens as examples.

This is not a layout level issue.

Any style applied in Devanagari should be applied to the entire grapheme cluster (which is Akshara based) which in turn is based on rules in Unicode UTR 29.

Increasing font size of first Akshara is a non-native style, incorporated from Latin scripts which influence styles available in DTP tools.

Color styling may be the only non-native style that may be usable on a Devanagari Akshara or grapheme cluster.

The shirorekha cannot be placed correctly if any other styling is implemented.

r12a commented 5 years ago

There are a few examples from newspapers at the bottom of https://www.flickr.com/photos/ishida/albums/72157650248400402. There are two types: (a) letters set in a box, and (b) letters where the shirorekhas are (approximately) aligned.

litherum commented 5 years ago
