w3c / imsc-hrm

IMSC Hypothetical Render Model
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A few minor editorial suggestions #79

Closed chrisn closed 4 months ago

chrisn commented 5 months ago

I've just been reviewing the spec and have a few minor suggestions:

  1. The Abstract currently talks more about what the spec doesn't do, and I think could explain more about what it does do. I suggest including some of the text from 5.1 Objective.
  2. In the Abstract and Scope sections, I think "an Hypothetical" should be "a Hypothetical", as the H is pronounced.
  3. In Figure 1 "all IMSC instance document" should be "all IMSC instance documents".
  4. In section 6, "sequence of Intermediate Synchronic Documents" is referred to as Ei, but in section 7 it's referred to as En. Should these be the same in both sections?
palemieux commented 5 months ago

In the Abstract and Scope sections, I think "an Hypothetical" should be "a Hypothetical", as the H is pronounced.

Apparently it is a "a":


chrisn commented 5 months ago

Some more data: https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=a+hypothetical%2Can+hypothetical&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3