w3c / jlreq

Text Layout Requirements for Japanese
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JLReq TF font group meeting notes 5/18 #270

Closed kidayasuo closed 11 months ago

kidayasuo commented 3 years ago

A trial of posting a meeting notes as a GitHub issue. The expectation is that it can capture follow up discussions in one place. Also, issues stem from the discussion or related issues can easily be inter-linked to give them a context.

Previous meeting: https://github.com/w3c/jlreq/issues/269 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– (English translation follows)

JLReq TF Meeting notes draft フォント分科会 5/18



第一回 3/30 のミーティングで村田さんの提起した縦書き字形の問題を議論した。第二回 4/20 のミーティングでは CITPC からのメンバーが加わり、石井さんの提案による約物間の半角詰めをOSレベルで実現するための OpenType テーブル chws について議論した。今回のミーティングでは、chws テーブルでカバーされない約物半角詰めについて議論する


chws テーブルでカバーされない約物半角詰めをサポートする方法のオプション、フォントに何が必要かを理解する


W3C / JLReq


前提として Shaping engine の説明(石井)
chws でのレイアウトのレビュー結果(敏先生)
結論として、約物詰めのためにはフォントに chws と halt があれば ok(木田)


JLReq TF meeting notes, font sig 4/20


Shapes of some characters in vertical orientation are inconsistent depending on the combination of the font and the application used. Such inconsistencies are problematic especially with ebooks. Solving the issue in open environment where you can’t assume specific combinations require a good open standard that fonts can agree and follow. Similar issue exists in controlling spacing around Japanese punctuations. It requires cooperation from fonts as applications do not know where and how much extra space exists in a glyph. To help solving the issue it was agreed to create a font specific discussion thread in JLReq TF.

The first meeting on 3/30 discussed issues Murata-san raised regarding vertical orientation shapes. The second meeting on 4/20 discussed a proposal of ‘chws’ OpenType font table which allows shaping engines to adjust spacing between punctuations in a good performance. Font experts from CITPC including font venders joined from this meeting. This meeting will continue discussing punctuation spacing especially cases that are not covered by ‘chws’ table.

Today’s goal


CITPC: Tahara-san (Topan), Nakauchi-san (Morisawa), Mizuno-san (Iwata), Kyo-san, Miyata-san (Dainippon Printing)

W3C / JLReq: Ishii-san, Kobayashi-san, Shimono-san, Tajima-san, Nat-san, Bin-sensei, Murakami-san, Murata-san & Kida-san


Introduction (kida)
Brief introduction of low level software that implements layout (Ishii)
Two approaches for punctuation spacing at the beginning / ending of a line (Ishii)
It is harder to solve the cross style run case (Ishii)
for the first place it is not clear how much space is necessary when styles are different between adjacent punctuations (Ishii)
Bin-sensei reviewed ’chws’ layout samples. How’s the result?
Conclusion: to support punctuation spacing are ‘halt’ and ‘chws’ the only tables font should prepare? (Kida)
What is the best way to communicate with people joining from CITPC? (Kida)
next meeting
kidayasuo commented 3 years ago

Bin-sensei commented on rugged-right discussion.

日本語のラグ組が増えていかない理由として,多くの文字が全角で,行長を文字 サイズの整数倍にし,仮名や漢字を文字間で2行にわたる分割できるとした場合 で,これをラグ組にすると,多くの行で行末がそろい,少しの行だけで,行末が そろわないということになる.欧文のラグ組のようにすべてというか,多くの行 末の位置がそろわないということにはならない.このほんの一部だけが行末がそ ろわないということは,その一部に何か意味があるのかという疑問を抱かせる恐 れがあること,また,ほんの少しの不ぞろいは,見た目の印象を悪くする,とい うことがあるのではと,私は思っている.

ですので,日本語のラグ組は,単語又は文節単位での2行にわたる分割とセット で考えていく必要があるように思います.単語又は文節単位での2行にわたる分 割の場合,行頭・行末そろえは,ほぼ不可能で,ラグ組しか考えられません.

ですので,単語又は文節単位での2行にわたる分割の自動処理が簡単に処理でき るということが進むにつれ,日本語のラグ組も普及していくと考えられるでしょ う.


One reason that rugged right has not become popular in Japanese layout might be that because most characters are multiple of full-width naturally the length of most lines become consistent, with small number of lines in a different length. This is unlike English case where all lines are equally uneven. When only a small number of lines are shorter it looks as if it has a special meaning (e.g. it might be an end of a paragraph). also it does not look good.

I think in case of Japanese rugged right needs to be combined with folding lines at word or phrase boundary. Folding lines at word or phrase boundary is only possible with rugged right (because adjustments becomes too large).

When automatic word / phrase segmentation becomes easily available I think rugged right will also be accepted.