w3c / jlreq

Text Layout Requirements for Japanese
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Use /docs/ as store of refrence materials for discussions etc., and mention in README #292

Open himorin opened 2 years ago

himorin commented 2 years ago

from https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-japanese/2021JulSep/0143.html

In this repository, /docs/ directory exists, initially as rough/loose handling during initial operation of simple-ruby, and was only used for (historical) storage of simple-ruby. In JL-TF, especially discussion on mail list, we share reference materials and writings for on-going discussions as mail attachments. But these materials should be better to be archived in public space. We plan and propose to use this directory as public store for these kinds of materials, with mentioning in repository's README.

how do you think, @kidayasuo @r12a ?

r12a commented 2 years ago

I think that it's a problem to have a copy of the simple-ruby document in this repo. Given that there is some history (https://github.com/w3c/jlreq/commits/gh-pages/docs/simple-ruby/index.html) it's perhaps not appropriate to simply delete the files. However, i think that we should remove all the text from index.html and replace it with a line that says "Go look over here".

I see that @kidayasuo has added a document already to the /docs folder. Seems to me a good idea.

If this was just the odd image or other isolated resource that is kept in the repo for safe-keeping, i would suggest using a new directory called 'resources'. But @kidayasuo's addition is clearly a document, so i think that's a good addition to the 'docs' folder.

I also think @kidayasuo did the right thing in creating a subfolder (spacing_property) for his document, which can contain any other files needed for his document, and keep the higher level tidy and clean.

So, bottom line for my initial reaction: yes, put documents in /docs, but put random images etc in /resources.

xfq commented 2 years ago

I think that it's a problem to have a copy of the simple-ruby document in this repo. Given that there is some history (https://github.com/w3c/jlreq/commits/gh-pages/docs/simple-ruby/index.html) it's perhaps not appropriate to simply delete the files. However, i think that we should remove all the text from index.html and replace it with a line that says "Go look over here".

How should we deal with the accessibility part of the simple-ruby document (see https://github.com/w3c/jlreq/pull/271#issuecomment-851207232 )?

(FYI - Murata-san is working on a series of new documents about ruby accessibility in the Japan DAISY Consortium and plan to create a W3C WG Note based on these documents. Maybe we can work with Murata-san to see if these documents and the accessibility part of simple-ruby can be integrated into a new document?)

I see that @kidayasuo has added a document already to the /docs folder. Seems to me a good idea.

If this was just the odd image or other isolated resource that is kept in the repo for safe-keeping, i would suggest using a new directory called 'resources'. But @kidayasuo's addition is clearly a document, so i think that's a good addition to the 'docs' folder.

I also think @kidayasuo did the right thing in creating a subfolder (spacing_property) for his document, which can contain any other files needed for his document, and keep the higher level tidy and clean.

So, bottom line for my initial reaction: yes, put documents in /docs, but put random images etc in /resources.


himorin commented 2 years ago

I think that it's a problem to have a copy of the simple-ruby document in this repo. Given that there is some history (https://github.com/w3c/jlreq/commits/gh-pages/docs/simple-ruby/index.html) it's perhaps not appropriate to simply delete the files. However, i think that we should remove all the text from index.html and replace it with a line that says "Go look over here".

created a separate branch with keeping history as simple-ruby. (this could be moved to simple-ruby repository, of course) how about to keep like this? (if we really want, I think we can move issues to simple-ruby also, but might not be worth to work on...)

I see that @kidayasuo has added a document already to the /docs folder. Seems to me a good idea.

If this was just the odd image or other isolated resource that is kept in the repo for safe-keeping, i would suggest using a new directory called 'resources'. But @kidayasuo's addition is clearly a document, so i think that's a good addition to the 'docs' folder.

good point. we assume most of contents, which we will bring into this repository, would be a document like that or a single file of data (e.g. CSV or something). so (go below)

I also think @kidayasuo did the right thing in creating a subfolder (spacing_property) for his document, which can contain any other files needed for his document, and keep the higher level tidy and clean.

So, bottom line for my initial reaction: yes, put documents in /docs, but put random images etc in /resources.

I think we should store file type ones in /resources.

kidayasuo commented 2 years ago

Thank you @himorin for bringing this up. As we develop building blocks of the next-gen jlreq and other reference documents, we need a place to store and maintain them. I am glad @r12a agreed to put them under /docs. and I agree data files that are not documents should be placed elsewhere.

kidayasuo commented 2 years ago

ah, wait, should I have made a pull request before checking in the spacing class document? 😅 I did not bother as it was a initial checkin of a document that has been reviewed once at the meeting. Are there a general guideline?

r12a commented 2 years ago

should I have made a pull request before checking in the spacing class document?

My point of view, fwiw, is that what you did was fine. However, it's probably useful to send email to the list to say that you committed something, since a commit like that produces no notifications.

r12a commented 2 years ago

Wrt accessibility and ruby, i strongly feel that this should be a separate document from Simple Ruby. Btw, we still need to complete the process of taking Simple Ruby to Note status...

himorin commented 2 years ago

added #301 for link. @r12a how about simple-ruby only branch?: https://github.com/w3c/jlreq/commits/simple-ruby

r12a commented 2 years ago

I'm not enough of an expert in GH to know the pros and cons of that approach. How does that relate to the fact that we have a separate repository for simple-ruby at https://github.com/w3c/simple-ruby/ ?

himorin commented 2 years ago

This simple-ruby branch contains all history which we made before creating simple-ruby repository, and it can be moved into simple-ruby repository as missing-history-capture branch.
So, I suppose we can have complete our history on simple-ruby in the single repository (simple-ruby repository), after we move this simple-ruby branch into simple-ruby repository and remove jlreq/docs/simple-ruby directory from HEAD.

r12a commented 2 years ago

If that's possible, it sounds like a good idea.

xfq commented 2 years ago

how about simple-ruby only branch?: https://github.com/w3c/jlreq/commits/simple-ruby

One downside is that this branch does not support GitHub Pages. How do we read the rendered HTML of the accessibility part?

r12a commented 2 years ago

Is that fixed by moving that branch to the simple-ruby repo?

xfq commented 2 years ago

Is that fixed by moving that branch to the simple-ruby repo?

If the target branch in the simple-ruby repo is different from the current GitHub Pages branch in that repo, I think the problem still exists.

himorin commented 2 years ago

Is that fixed by moving that branch to the simple-ruby repo?

If the target branch in the simple-ruby repo is different from the current GitHub Pages branch in that repo, I think the problem still exists.

Sorry that I've totally forgot of the current revision of the file, but considered only about keeping history of development. I think we now have a new draft by Murata-san on a11y part of simple-ruby, and I suppose it's a good time to have a new directory or a new repository for development of a11y of simple-ruby with the latest revision as some sort of explainer or short summary (or, just keep in jlreq/docs/ as is even if we put the new document somewhere else?).