w3c / jlreq

Text Layout Requirements for Japanese
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possible editorial fix of English? #322

Closed himorin closed 4 months ago

himorin commented 2 years ago

possible fix. but I am not sure it is correct English... (updating to 2 units of inter-character spacing between each inter-character of ruby characters is too complicated, so 2 units of spacing at every inter-character of ruby annotation or something?)

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xfq commented 2 years ago

It does look like it was a typo. I checked some historical versions and found that the word "adjacent" was used before.

See https://www.w3.org/TR/2009/NOTE-jlreq-20090604/#fig2_3_20-en

himorin commented 2 years ago

Thank you for comment @xfq , I totally forgot about checking with previous release..