w3c / jlreq

Text Layout Requirements for Japanese
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added markdown text as explainer, from google docs used in discussion #331

Closed himorin closed 2 years ago

himorin commented 2 years ago

converted as some sort of explainer from google docs, made by Murata-san and updated during discussion call.

check page in branch for review in HTML format.

r12a commented 2 years ago

How would you like to receive comments?

himorin commented 2 years ago

How would you like to receive comments?

good question. at least, we'd like to directly contact to possible parities (like all i18n WG, or clreq) for terms themselves listed in this explainer, but it's somehow an out of scope activity from JL-TF and coordinated under collaboration among Murata-san, Kida-san, and me. personally, I'm thinking like: let me reach out to build some solid plan forward within three members, and bring it to upcoming i18n WG. could likely be to ask one dedicated repository for this document incl. both overview of ruby and terminology, under a subcommittee of JL-TF - like font's one, and welcome comments and questions there.

himorin commented 2 years ago

After discussion in i18n WG call Apr/14, WG could not reach a final direction for where this terminology go (e.g. into existing document or new dedicated document), but suggested to have a wiki page for this (rather than a file with issue or PR based discussion) to start gathering comments and suggestions from wider community.