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JL-TF charter 2023-2024 #345

Closed himorin closed 1 year ago

himorin commented 1 year ago

closes #344

@kidayasuo I believe I've covered all points in the issue.

This PR is still draft for welcoming reviews, comments, and suggestions. Several open points:

kidayasuo commented 1 year ago

Thank you @himorin for proposing changes for me. The proposed changes look good except that as you mentioned jlreq-d will be to develop rather than to update as it has not been completed yet.

Regarding the participation, yes, the charter and README should be aligned. Actually both says the same thing except that the README separates "To contribute content" as a participation level. What does this level mean? As I do not see any participants in this level at jlreq (right?), I guess it can be simplified to two levels like it is described in the charter.

Another inconsistency is how they call the active participant. The readme explains it as "a participant, editor, or chair" and the charter calls it "Task force members". I feel the description in the charter is simpler.

What do you think, @r12a?

himorin commented 1 year ago

Talked with Kida-san (@kidayasuo ), and we agreed that charter has a line to notice that TF members and contributors are required to read and agree with CONTRIBUTING.md in Participation section, which makes levels consistent with README. So, keep this draft as is for now.

himorin commented 1 year ago

https://www.w3.org/2022/12/15-i18n-minutes.html#t05 merging this, to be appeared into github.io.