Alternatively, serializations can be limited to a flattened representation so that state does not need to be managed over a large set of embedded nodes (this is probably the most natural way to blindly serialize a large dataset, in any case.
The core JSON-LD API algorithms are intended to work in memory, which is incompatible with the needs of medium to large datasets.
Of note are discussions in and Best practices should include the principles of JSON-LD streaming, where keys come in a strict order, as well as the use of the streaming document profile so that clients understand the considerations for order of processing when expanding JSON-LD and turning into RDF.
Alternatively, serializations can be limited to a flattened representation so that state does not need to be managed over a large set of embedded nodes (this is probably the most natural way to blindly serialize a large dataset, in any case.
The core JSON-LD API algorithms are intended to work in memory, which is incompatible with the needs of medium to large datasets.
cc/ @wouterbeek @rubensworks