w3c / largest-contentful-paint

Specification for the LargestContentfulPaint API
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renderTime should be CORS-protected, not TAO-protected #111

Open noamr opened 1 year ago

noamr commented 1 year ago

The intention in Timing-Allow-Origin (TAO) is to protect the timing it took to fetch the image. Not the content of the image. The intention in protecting renderTime is to avoid exposing something about the content of the image.

With CORS images, one can anyway know everything about the image and doesn't need to decipher the content from render time. While with TAO, it's the only place where it's used outside of the context of protecting fetch information.

yoavweiss commented 1 year ago

I think we need a more holistic approach here.

HTMLImageElement.decode() is not protected by neither TAO nor CORS. Talking to @mmocny, there are potentially other ways to weed out the decode times of opaque images.

We need to collectively decide if that information should be protected, and if so, by what means. We also need to ensure those means are ergonomic and easy to use, either through document-level CORS-fetch opt-ins for subresources, through public resource declaration, both, or something else entirely.

/cc @clamy @mikewest @annevk @arturjanc

noamr commented 1 year ago

I think we need a more holistic approach here.

HTMLImageElement.decode() is not protected by neither TAO nor CORS. Talking to @mmocny, there are potentially other ways to weed out the decode times of opaque images.

We need to collectively decide if that information should be protected, and if so, by what means. We also need to ensure those means are ergonomic and easy to use, either through document-level CORS-fetch opt-ins for subresources, through public resource declaration, both, or something else entirely.

/cc @clamy @mikewest @annevk @arturjanc

I agree about finding a more holistic approach. The first rule of thumb that exists today though in the HTML/Fetch specs, is that TAO can only protect the timing of a fetch and not of something to do with the resource's content, which is generally protected by CORS. Using TAO to protect render time breaks this, and makes it so that we need to save TAO information in HTTP cache and other repercussions.

smfr commented 1 year ago

For those not up on their acronyms, TAO = Timing-Allow-Origin

annevk commented 1 year ago

At a high level we shouldn't add to the number of cross-origin channels without opt-in. That includes decode(). Given that it returns a promise it still seems somewhat malleable, but I can't find an existing issue targeting that. (There are some other issues with it though that suggest it's not being maintained.)

I also like the idea of not expanding the scope of the Timing-Allow-Origin header beyond fetch timing data.

noamr commented 1 year ago

@mmocny isn't the renderTime observable-ish today for no-cors images, by doing something like the following?

  await new Promise(resolve => img.addEventListener("load", resolve));
  // start time
  await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
  // end time
mmocny commented 1 year ago

You ask if renderTime is "observable-ish"... I would say no.

Measuring next rAF after image "load" event is not the same as renderTime [1].

Since you mention no-cors (rather, non-TAO today), I think you are asking if you can work around the limitations of LCP only reporting loadTime? Well, I don't think your polyfill suffices, as that only (somewhat) measure "paint" stage on main [2].

However, you can:

[1]: That's because requestAnimationFrame does not measure renderTime. On Chromium, "renderTime" is after image decode (typically) and represents frame presentation time, while rAF measures only a much earlier stage on main thread and before (final) decode.

On FF/Safari, there is no "LCP.renderTime", but we can use "FCP.startTime" as a comparison. While I think the timing is equivalent(ish?) to next-rAF-after-load, the frame it measures comes before image decode, AFAIK, and so does not represent the "LCP.renderTime" concept.

See: https://github.com/web-platform-tests/interop/issues/215

[2] One small caveat regarding your snippet is that image "load" event may not get scheduled until after the next animation frame:

At least that's what I've observed in Chromium.

However, a more robust strategy you can use is rAF polling and checking the status of image.complete, since this appears to get marked in the right frame.

const img = document.querySelector('img');

img.addEventListener("load", (event) => {
  console.log("image load", performance.now(), event);

function rafPoll() {
  requestAnimationFrame((frameTime) => {
    const nowTime = performance.now();

    // This may come before img.onload event fires
    if (img.complete) {
      console.log('image complete', frameTime, nowTime);
    } else {

// Start polling after image begins loading

...again, all that just measures loading + scheduling paint stage, and not decoding + presentation.

noamr commented 1 year ago

I understand those timings are slightly different, I wonder if the difference between the polyfill and renderTime is significant in terms of understanding hidden information about the image.

Let's say it's an SVG, and a logged-in user would get a really complex SVG vs. a much simpler one for non logged-in users.

noamr commented 1 year ago

At a high level we shouldn't add to the number of cross-origin channels without opt-in. That includes decode(). Given that it returns a promise it still seems somewhat malleable, but I can't find an existing issue targeting that. (There are some other issues with it though that suggest it's not being maintained.)

I also like the idea of not expanding the scope of the Timing-Allow-Origin header beyond fetch timing data.

Created an issue for decode: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/8709

noamr commented 1 year ago

Note that HTMLImgElement.decode() does not work on SVG elements. Not sure if canvas drawing being synchronous is something web devs can gather rendering information from. Also createImageBitmap() can expose render time of cross-origin images.