w3c / largest-contentful-paint

Specification for the LargestContentfulPaint API
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How should text overflow be handled? #122

Open tunetheweb opened 3 months ago

tunetheweb commented 3 months ago

Look at these tests:

If you set the viewport size to 680 x 500 you can see the following:

I have trouble understanding the algorithm in these cases but wanted to check if the first and third scenarios are correct? i.e. should we consider the whole element size in this (including the non-visible scrollable area) or it should it only be the visible size?

If the former will try to document this better at https://web.dev/articles/lcp, if the latter this looks like a Chrome bug.

Firefox incidentally has the same size for all three tests so either way it seems we have an interop bug that could be better specified as to what is correct.