w3c / largest-contentful-paint

Specification for the LargestContentfulPaint API
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LCP behavior with dialogs #123

Closed ofirelarat closed 3 months ago

ofirelarat commented 3 months ago

Issue: LCP Measurement Affected by Large Image in Dialog


We are experiencing an issue with the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric measurement in our application. The application includes a dialog that contains a large image, which can be mistakenly identified as the LCP element by performance measurement tools. This dialog appears a few seconds after the page load.




Here is an example illustrating the issue:

Example Image


I reviewed the web.dev article on cookie notices and performance, which discusses a similar issue with cookie notices. However, cookie notices typically do not contain the LCP element, and the article does not provide a solution for scenarios where the LCP element is part of a late-loading dialog.

Attempted Solutions:


Despite these efforts, the LCP metric is still affected by the large image in the dialog, leading to inaccurate performance measurements and poor metric results:

Metric Impact Image 1 Metric Impact Image 2

Request for Recommendations:

We are seeking recommendations on how to handle this scenario better so that the dialog and its content do not affect the LCP metric. Our goal is to ensure that LCP accurately reflects the perceived performance and user satisfaction, rather than being impacted by elements that appear after the initial page load.

Thank you for your assistance.

tunetheweb commented 3 months ago

This sounds like it's working as intended. The LCP heuristic will find the largest contentful element and measure the time it takes to display that. If the late loading pop-up element is the largest then that is what will be measured.

...even though it appears after the page load and after the user has perceived the page as fully loaded. This scenario inaccurately affects the LCP metric, as the large image in the dialog is not part of the initial user-perceived performance. The LCP metric does not accurately reflect the user's experience of the page load time.

I'm not sure I agree with those statements. If a popup shows and covers a significant proportion of the page (as it appears to), without me interacting with the page, then I would consider the page as still loading.

As noted in the web.dev documentation if the heuristic does not find the element that developers find the most valuable then they can choose to measure an alternative element of their choosing, outside of the LCP element.

ofirelarat commented 3 months ago

I understand what you're saying here, but I feel like this can cause misleading metric results. Since the LCP metric is part of the core web vitals and can affect third parties such as search engine optimization, this can be a significant issue And thats way custom metric can't help here as well.

For instance in this scenario instead of LCP of 1000ms which considered very good the result is 3600ms which consider very bad. I the user who browse the website not feel the same as he would feel in other website with a real 3600ms LCP.

pmeenan commented 3 months ago

This case is kind of exactly what the intent of LCP is though. If there's a big giant interstitial that loads without the user acting on the page, blocking the other content, then it is the largest piece of content presented to the user when loading the page.

If you want to make it faster, load the pop-up sooner (which would be less jarring to the user than interrupting what they were looking at before it popped) or don't use a pop-up interstitial.

Whoever decides that there needs to be a late-loading interstitial that covers the screen also owns the fact that it will result in a slower LCP.

ofirelarat commented 3 months ago

Ok, thank you for the clarification.