w3c / largest-contentful-paint

Specification for the LargestContentfulPaint API
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Better handle animated images #83

Open yoavweiss opened 2 years ago

yoavweiss commented 2 years ago

Currently for animated images we report a paint time that corresponds to the time the last frame was painted. It seems more accurate to report the paint time of the first complete frame for them, potentially as a separate attribute.

A few questions:

yoavweiss commented 2 years ago

Another point worth considering for both animated images and videos (#88): We won't be able to expose the LCP time (the time the first frame rendered) for cross-origin images without an opt-in, as that would expose information about the image's content. Beyond that, we need to think if this is something that should be gated by TAO, or needs stronger/different opt-ins, such as CORP or even CORS.

yoavweiss commented 2 years ago

In conversations with @npm1, we realized that it may be problematic to have the entries wait until loadTime to be emitted, for a couple of reasons:

While it's easy to omit loadTime in such cases, there's the question of what should be the startTime in the cross-origin case of animated images. Should it be the time the entry was emitted? Can we even emit the entry without an opt-in of some sort?

yoavweiss commented 2 years ago

One thing we could do to avoid having the fact that the entry is emitted at all expose new information, is to delay any future other entries from being emitted until the animated image reaches onload, and only emit the animated image entry then. That way we can maintain the order of LCP entries being emitted, without exposing new info.

npm1 commented 2 years ago

That is certainly possible, although that also has downsides. If the image never finishes loading in many page loads, the LCP detected by the developer will be incorrect: either an earlier LCP or no LCP. But you pose a good point: the time in which the entry is emitted is presumably close to the render time, so even exposing that one might not be ok. But if we keep using that logic, even exposing the fact that the entry was created could be somewhat problematic, as the delay to receive the entry would leak some information about the time it takes for the entry to be ready to be dispatched, which is essentially the render time we're trying to not expose without some safety check.