w3c / largest-contentful-paint

Specification for the LargestContentfulPaint API
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Use naturalSize doesn't make sense for css images #98

Closed sefeng211 closed 2 years ago

sefeng211 commented 2 years ago

We get the idea that the spec uses naturalSize for reporting the actual rendered size of the images, however the naturalSize concept doesn't make sense for CSS images.

And there are many things to effect the final rendered size of a CSS image, and getting the intrinsic size doesn't mean that's the rendered size.

I think we should need to define a better description for CSS images.

cc @emilio

yoavweiss commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting! I agree that getting the naturalWidth and naturalHeight through the getters is very <img> specific, and that processing model makes no sense for background images.

The point of using the naturalSize to displaySize ratio is one that I think still makes sense for background images, although the parameters that go into the displaySize may be more complex, as you mention. Do you know if CSS background images have such concepts that we can point at directly?

sefeng211 commented 2 years ago

Emilio, do you have suggestions of what the spec should be? @emilio

emilio commented 2 years ago

I mean, there's a lot that can influence how a background image is displayed (background size, background-repeat, other backgrounds occluding it...). What's the intention of the displaySize? Presumably the "rendered size" of the image? If so something like this plus accounting for repeat and so could do...

yoavweiss commented 2 years ago

The intention is indeed the "rendered size".

noamr commented 2 years ago

I think the natural/intrinsic size still makes sense for background images, and is not different from a regular img that's displayed with custom width/height. A large photo and a repeating tile with some pattern should behave differently.

emilio commented 2 years ago

How does it make sense? It makes no sense to me that background-image: url(giant-image.png); background-size: 10px; would report giant display size.

noamr commented 2 years ago

How does it make sense? It makes no sense to me that background-image: url(giant-image.png); background-size: 10px; would report giant display size.

How is that different from img src=giant.png width=1 height=1 or img src=giant.png style="transform: scale(.000001)">?

emilio commented 2 years ago

Well, right, the spec as-is would return 1x1 for at least your first example wouldn't it? You're right it wouldn't for the second tho.

noamr commented 2 years ago

Well, right, the spec as-is would return 1x1 for at least your first example wouldn't it? You're right it wouldn't for the second tho.

Or to other examples like object-size. This is actually not an easy problem to solve, I am merely stating that it's not specific to css images.

noamr commented 2 years ago

Researching this a bit, I think we can use the CSS terms concrete object size and natural dimensions, which apply to regular images and to background images, as well as to video etc.