Closed catch-point closed 10 years ago
@jamesrdf, how are you running the tests? I only see one MemberResourceTest instance getting created. I tried in Eclipse using the TestNG plugin and on the command line.
From the command line: $ mvn clean package $ java -jar target/ldp-testsuite-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar --indirect --server 'http://localhost:8080/ldp/?describe'
49 Skips (including all MemberResource) using the master branch. 28 Skips when I change the annotations to @BeforeTest/@AfterTest and reset memberResource to null in the tearDown.
java version "1.7.0_65" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.2) (7u65-2.5.2-3~14.04) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.65-b04, mixed mode)
Results are not always consistent, sometimes master branch works sometimes it doesn't.
@jamesrdf, the problem in the Stack Overflow post is @BeforeSuite annotation is on a method in a shared parent class. That's not the case with MemberResourceTest.setup().
I'm not saying there isn't a problem, but I'm not convinced we have it right. For what it's worth, I get consistent results running against my server.
java -jar target/ldp-testsuite-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar --server --basic
Are you sure that the POST request isn't sometimes failing and sometimes succeeding against your server? Maybe running the indirect container tests first changes the result?
With the patch the results are very consistent.
Wireshark reveals no unexpected failed POST responses.
After further testing it appears that the setup method is sometimes not called (at all) in the test suite.
@jamesrdf I can reproduce against my server if I switch to --indirect. The setup() method never gets called.
It seems that if I remove the tests marked "enabled = false" from IndirectContainerTest, MemberResourceTest.setup() is called again. @jamesrdf, can you confirm that works for you as well?
Sometimes it is still not being called when those tests are removed, but perhaps failing less frequently.
I think the problem is that these methods override a super class that is common to both the container and member tests. Test-NG might something think they were already called (when it invoked LdpTest#setup on the IndirectContainerTest instance).
If I rename the setup tearDown methods to a unique name, I get (the desired) consistent results.
The @BeforeSuite needs to be replaced with @BeforeTest or used with a static method.
When running a test suite many of the MemberResourceTest tests are incorrectly skipped. This incorrect behaviour is caused because many test instances have memberResource set to null and never run the setup/tearDown methods. Because of the @BeforeSuite annotation on the setup method, it is only run on a single test instance (that might not be reused) and all other MemberResourceTest instances are then skipped. Either memberResource should be changed to a static variable (so all MemberResourceTest instances share the same value) or the annotation should be changed to @BeforeTest, so each instance gets it own value.