w3c / ldp-testsuite

(UNMAINTAINED) Tests for Linked Data Platform (LDP)
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DirectContainerTest#testActAsIfInsertedContentRelationTripleExists implementation #205

Closed nandana closed 10 years ago

nandana commented 10 years ago

The test mentioned in $subject is supposed to cover the following MUST.

" "LDP Direct Containers must behave as if they have a ( LDPC URI, ldp:insertedContentRelation , ldp:MemberSubject ) triple, but LDP imposes no requirement to materialize such a triple in the LDP-DC representation. The value ldp:MemberSubject means that the member-derived-URI is the URI assigned by the server to a document it creates; for example, if the client POSTs content to a container that causes the container to create a new LDPR, ldp:MemberSubject says that the member-derived-URI is the URI assigned to the newly created LDPR."

So if we have an LDP-DC like the following

<a> a ldp:DirectContainer;
    ldp:membershipResource <a>;
    ldp:hasMemberRelation ldp:member;
    ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject .

and when creating a new resource using POST

## new resource ###

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: b

What we have to do check whether is satisfied is to check whether the following triple is added, isn't it?

<a> ldp:member <b> .

If so, isn't that already indirectly covered in the test "testPostResourceUpdatesTriples" ?

sspeiche commented 10 years ago

@nandana This is exactly what I had concluded. I was going to update DirectContainerTest#testActAsIfInsertedContentRelationTripleExists to be tested indirectly once I got back. I can make the change soon

nandana commented 10 years ago

@sspeiche Great! I will close the issue.