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The W3C Manual of Style
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Sentence case for titles (and related URLs question) #15

Open koalie opened 3 years ago

koalie commented 3 years ago

I see issues with "Capitalize title words following U.S. usage." (in section 5.1). The first reason is that I find it is imprecise, as opposed to being specific: e.g., use "title case", or "sentence case".

The second reason is that ultimately, it may be problematic when we adopt our new URL strategy (as (documented)[https://w3c.studio24.net/docs/url-strategy] in the website redesign documentation site) which recommends (adopting lower-case URLs)[https://w3c.studio24.net/docs/url-strategy#standardise-on-lower-case-urls], if we use the title of the document to generate its URL.

I don't know how (nor when) to update this section and Pubrules, but I think it needs to be updated in a way that only the first word is capitalized in "Title [(ACRONYM)] ["Specification"] ["Part" Part_Number] [: Subtitle] ["Module"] [(nth "Edition")] ["Version" Version_Number]", and "Capitalize title words following U.S. usage." needs to be changed to "Capitalize title words according to sentence case."

There may be another section in the manual of style, or Pubrules itself, that will need an update to reflect that URLs should be all lower-case.

deniak commented 3 years ago

I see issues with "Capitalize title words following U.S. usage." (in section 5.1). The first reason is that I find it is imprecise, as opposed to being specific: e.g., use "title case", or "sentence case".

+1. I'm not even sure what the "U.S. usage" means here.

The second reason is that ultimately, it may be problematic when we adopt our new URL strategy (as (documented)[https://w3c.studio24.net/docs/url-strategy] in the website redesign documentation site) which recommends (adopting lower-case URLs)[https://w3c.studio24.net/docs/url-strategy#standardise-on-lower-case-urls], if we use the title of the document to generate its URL.

I don't know how (nor when) to update this section and Pubrules, but I think it needs to be updated in a way that only the first word is capitalized in "Title [(ACRONYM)] ["Specification"] ["Part" Part_Number] [: Subtitle] ["Module"] [(nth "Edition")] ["Version" Version_Number]", and "Capitalize title words following U.S. usage." needs to be changed to "Capitalize title words according to sentence case."

Looking at the existing specs (https://www.w3.org/TR/?title=edition and https://www.w3.org/TR/?title=part), I'm not sure this would be a problem to lowercase such titles. For instance "Geolocation API Specification 2nd Edition" would translate to "geolocation-api-specification-2nd-edition" in a lower case URL. We will have to change the case of the acronyms anyway.

At the moment, there's no check nor requirements regarding the format of the title in pubrules. This might be something we add in the future if we have a convention.

tabatkins commented 3 years ago

The CSSWG has for some time (tho still not 100% consistently) adopted a practice of Title Casing every heading, except for after a ":"; the text following a colon is lowercased. See, for example, https://drafts.csswg.org/css-flexbox/.

We feel this slight diversion from strict titlecase improves readability of these sorts of headings.