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Success Criterion 1.3.1 - Info and Relationships - Level A #1

Open JJdeGroot opened 1 month ago

JJdeGroot commented 1 month ago


22 April 2024 [Source](https://www.w3.org/2024/04/22-matf-minutes.html#t02) ## how 1.3.1 relates to mobile JJ: there's a comment from Karla on 1.3.1 where she says not sure if she agrees it applies JJ: [shares Understanding doc for 1.3.1] JJ: the goal is “Information about content structure is available to more people.”, examples are mostly about forms JJ: I would say 1.3.1 applies to apps, just differently… do people have examples of differences? julianmka: was thinking about things like radios that are semantic in Android Karla: seems like we should find examples for that JJ: is there maybe something you are doing that applies? Karla: headings is an example that we can do better on mobile JJ: would conclude it does apply but different things to focus on JJ: another thing… do we need to mark the index and start/end of list for lists? JJ: Joe says in a comment that for lists on Android, set position and set size or accessibilityDelegate JJ: to me apps would usually have one heading level, multiple probably rare julianmka: we probably want to make sure there is nuance in the guidance we provide as people seem to want to apply practices of web directly to mobile JJ: how do we think about the navigation bar on Android? JJ: I believe in Android it is not marked as a heading but it is possible to subclass the toolbar and make it a heading… but on iOS I believe it is marked as heading? how do we feel about this when auditing an app? Devanshu: I think it should be marked screen title JJ: so HTML equivalent of a page title? Devanshu: yes Devanshu: for Android we can set the screen title from the APIs in the activities Devanshu: as soon as AT user goes from one screen to another, the first thing that is announced is the screen title JJ: so this is a way for users to know the first element they hear is the screen title RacheleDiTullio: yes good to have that but semantically should still be a heading JJ: should focus start at the back button or start at the title? Jamie: consistency would be helpful to provide, so if it's going to be the back button, always the back button JJ: agreed that is important…and may be confusing if people switch between apps that it is inconsistent Jamie: would be good to talk to folks in Apple and Google about where these relationships are intended to be natively Jamie: “go native” would be consistent too with WCAG JJ: yes would be good to get them involved in some of these best practices julianmka: we've also seen them change over time what the best practices look like JJ: how do we think about marking headings of tables? does anyone know what's the best practice for building accessible tables in Android and iOS? Devanshu: specifically at @@@ we use indexing Devanshu: @@@2 should only be used when it increases accessibility JJ: with Android it is quite customisable how an app is perceived by users of assistive technologies JJ: what did you mean re responsiveness? Devanshu: if accessibilitydelegate helps in making the screen more responsive, I'd advice refrain from using it JJ: there was also a comment from Julian about Paul J Adams's Swift UI table techniques JJ: will be worth checking out native components and first party stuff karla: re tables in iOS… for the description of products, we use them, but we don't use index of row for information in the cell julianmka: there is difference in meaning between tables in iOS and say, Web… so might be worth disambiguating what we mean

1. Applicability of 1.3.1 to Mobile:

2. List Marking and Navigation Bars:

3. Best Practices for Tables:

4. Native Component Considerations: