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Success Criterion 3.1.1 - Language of Page - Level A #14

Open JJdeGroot opened 3 weeks ago

JJdeGroot commented 3 weeks ago


MATF meeting on June 12, 2024 [Source](https://www.w3.org/2024/06/12-matf-minutes.html#t03) JJ: in HTML there is lang attrivute - in apps there are localized resources - acknowledged by WCAG2ICT JJ (reading note from 3.1.1 in WCAG2ICT doc) JJ: iOS has acessibilitylanguage in Android no equivalent - but ways to localize resources and checks of language set in the OS JJ: problematic when device is set to English but the app is Dutch - so the screen reader may use the wrong language … more thoughs about "language of page" and how to set it in an app? IRC Cheatsheet: https://github.com/w3c/matf/wiki/IRC-Cheatsheet no comments on language JJ: sharing appt.org resources for localizing assets JJ: setting language for strings … iOS has the same via accessibilitySpeechLanguage JJ: this is more applying to language of parts Karla: A point regarding currencies say match dollar and pesos or length values JJ: there is stuff in the EN about user preferences (km / miles) Alain: language of parts is usefull because people may use muliple languages on the same app. We should discuss how to test it


  1. Localization and Language Settings in Mobile Apps:

    • JJ: Highlighted that in HTML, there is a lang attribute, while in apps, there are localized resources acknowledged by WCAG2ICT.
    • JJ: Read a note from section 3.1.1 in the WCAG2ICT document, mentioning that iOS has accessibilityLanguage, but Android lacks an equivalent. However, there are ways to localize resources and check the language set in the OS.
  2. Issues with Language Settings and Screen Readers:

    • JJ: Noted a problem where a device is set to English, but the app is in Dutch, causing the screen reader to use the wrong language. Asked for thoughts on setting the "language of page" in an app.
    • JJ: Mentioned that iOS has accessibilitySpeechLanguage for setting language for strings, which applies to the language of parts within an app.
  3. User Preferences for Units:

    • Karla: Brought up the need to match currencies (e.g., dollar and pesos) or length values.
    • JJ: Mentioned that the EN standards cover user preferences for units like kilometers and miles.
    • Alain: Added that language of parts is useful because people may use multiple languages within the same app, suggesting the need to discuss how to test this.