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Success Criterion 3.1.2 - Language of Parts - Level AA #15

Open JJdeGroot opened 3 weeks ago

JJdeGroot commented 3 weeks ago


MATF meeting on June 12, 2024 [Source](https://www.w3.org/2024/06/12-matf-minutes.html#t04) JJ: (explaining the intent of 3.1.2) … software replaces page … section 508 this is excluded, also in the EN s301 549 - thi sis surprising because it can be done JJ: content wise it can be challenging but that's the same for web stuff To apply the related web page requirement for "Language of parts" to software would require the marking-up of all text in all locations within the software. This would be impossible so an equivalent is not included in this clause on software requirements Alain: for the EN (reads the rationale why it is not covernd for software) JJ: maybe it means that it is more difficult to achieve - not quite clear JJ: why is it impossible? I have checked in the GitLab of the EN 301 549, there is no issue about this SC. JJ: possible in iOS and Androind, possibly more difficult in other Software environments … no issue in the issue tracker for EN 301549 - maybe we should create one? … was frst excluded in section 508, EN followed on Gleidson: it is difficult to implement in the Android development environment - nothing documented Gleidson: was referring to Jetpack Compose


  1. Intent and Applicability of WCAG 3.1.2 to Software:

    • JJ: Explained that software replaces web page, and noted that section 508 excludes this requirement, as does EN 301 549. Found this surprising because it can be implemented.
    • JJ: Acknowledged that content-wise, it can be challenging, but it is similar to web content challenges.
  2. Challenges of Implementing Language of Parts in Software:

    • Alain Vagner: Highlighted that applying the web page requirement for "Language of parts" to software would necessitate marking up all text in all locations within the software, which is deemed impossible. This rationale is why it is not included in software requirements.
    • Alain: Read the rationale for its exclusion from the EN standards.
    • JJ: Questioned why it is considered "impossible" and noted that while it might be more difficult, it is not clear-cut.
    • Alain Vagner: Mentioned checking the GitLab of EN 301 549 and found no issue regarding this SC. Considered creating an issue in the EN 301 549 tracker due to its first exclusion in section 508 and subsequent exclusion in EN standards.
    • JJ: Suggested that it is possible in iOS and Android environments, though potentially more challenging in other software environments.
    • Gleidson: Mentioned the difficulty of implementing this in the Android development environment, specifically referring to Jetpack Compose.
AlainVagner commented 3 weeks ago

An issue has been created on the gitlab project for the en 301 549 standard about this point.

arctouch-gleidsonramos commented 4 days ago

I have run some tests with some Android engineers, and we are still not able to apply the same LocaleSpan or similar behavior in the Android Jetpack Compose. So, I have doubts about this being possible. Could someone else try to do some tests, please?