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Success Criterion 1.2.3 - Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) - Level A #21

Open JJdeGroot opened 2 weeks ago

JJdeGroot commented 2 weeks ago


MATF meeting on June 26, 2024 [Source](https://www.w3.org/2024/06/26-matf-minutes.html#t02) 1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) - Level A JJ: WCAG2ICT states that 1.2.3 applies directly as written. Some notes clarify other terms that might be used to audio descriptions. Interesting that "closed functionality" comes into play. julianmka: we would produce two versions of the video, one without audio description and one with ToriClarkA11y: When I worked with video, we ran into issues between different mobile browsers and Android that didn't support additional tracks. ToriClarkA11y: Now looking at VideoJS which seems promising. ToriClarkA11y: Worried about closed functionailty when we cannot guarantee that functions are available. Joe_Humbert: Do we know which video players support audio descriptions? Joe_Humbert: Android 13+ supports audio descriptions (AD) or at least there's a toggle. iOS video player supports AD. JJ: Android Media Player doesn't support AD but Exo Player does. Would be interesting to look at other players, especially ones that handle live streaming. we built off of this at Airbnb IIRC: https://videojs.com/ JJ: Add an issue to Github to discuss video player options. ToriClarkA11y: Because of internationalization needs, we only supported level A and used enhanced descriptive transcripts. ToriClarkA11y: Lots of people only provide a basic transcript that doesn't include visual descriptions. JJ: We could add supporting material about how to do transcripts well. gleidsonramos: We tried to use YouTube player for transcripts but the mobile embed doesn't include transcripts. Our alternative is to give a mobile button and opens a view with transcript. JJ: Web view with an accessible video player could be a good solution for this, using an accessible media player. Benefits of this might outweigh the drawbacks of using a web view.


  1. WCAG 1.2.3 Application:

    • JJ: Stated that WCAG2ICT specifies that 1.2.3 applies directly as written. Noted the relevance of "closed functionality" in this context.
  2. Video Versions and Audio Descriptions:

    • Julian: Mentioned that producing two versions of a video (one with audio descriptions and one without) might be necessary.
    • Tori: Shared past issues with different mobile browsers and Android not supporting additional audio tracks. Currently exploring VideoJS, which seems promising but has concerns about closed functionality and the availability of features.
    • Joe Humbert: Inquired about which video players support audio descriptions.
      • Joe Humbert: Noted that Android 13+ has a toggle for audio descriptions and that iOS video players support AD.
      • JJ: Added that Android Media Player doesn't support AD, but Exo Player does. Highlighted the need to explore other players, especially those handling live streaming.
  3. Internationalization and Transcripts:

    • Tori: Mentioned that due to internationalization needs, only Level A compliance was supported, using enhanced descriptive transcripts. Highlighted that many provide only basic transcripts without visual descriptions.
    • JJ: Suggested adding supporting materials on how to create effective transcripts.
  4. YouTube Player and Transcripts:

    • Gleidson: Shared experience with using the YouTube player for transcripts but found that the mobile embed doesn't include transcripts. Their alternative is to provide a button that opens a view with the transcript.
    • JJ: Proposed that a web view with an accessible video player could be a good solution, despite potential drawbacks. The benefits of using an accessible media player might outweigh these drawbacks.