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Success Criterion 1.4.13 - Content on Hover or Focus - Level AA #6

Open JJdeGroot opened 1 month ago

JJdeGroot commented 1 month ago


15 May 2024 [Source](https://www.w3.org/2024/05/15-matf-minutes.html#t02) ## 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks JJ: Interesting thing here is how we match pointer hover to apps when the main input is touch. Keyboard focus is less common and customizable on apps. JJ: So far we've it as No as applicable to mobile web and mobile native. JJ: Comment from Joe on the sheet: There is a long press gesture on both iOS and Android. This could become the equivalent of "hover". Apple did have 3D touch at one time, but abandoned it. They still control the IP for 3D touch so it could be used again JJ: Should we say it's not applicable or it can be applicable with some adaptations? audrey: I think it is still applicable with adaptations. I think it deserves some research in where it can be applicable and tested JJ: Would people agree that long press is equivalent to hover. audrey: Not sure if they're the same - long press is more I want to show something than hover. +1 to Audrey +1 to research and use cases across platforms julianmka: I think there is a lot of similarity between what is revealed on long press and what is revealed on hover. JJ: In web hover is usually to reveal tooltips, long press is usually to do an action. Devanshu: Touch exploration setting should be explored. Jamers: Has anyone tested tooltips on mobile web ? if that's a similar functionality with long press that is something worth thinking about Joe_Humbert: In my company, for tooltips nothing appears on hover on focus, it has to be on tap or via keyboard key. JJ: Perhaps we say "Yes" for applicable to mobile web. JJ: Anyone connected there mouse to mobile device Jamers: Yes, not sure how common the use case is for this as you've to put on assistive touch at the same time. correction: assistive touch Joe_Humbert: I've tried using a mouse in the past but it wouldn't work - without assistive touch Thanks Jamers Jamers: Works with assistive touch. JJ: Be interesting if anyone can research long press versus hover for the next meeting.

1. Pointer Hover vs. Touch Input:

2. Long Press Gesture:

3. Tooltips on Mobile Web:

4. Mouse Use on Mobile Devices:

jamieherrera commented 1 month ago

4 Jamie/Jamers: I'm doing active research on mouse and assistive touch on iOS/iPad, I will share my results with the group.

jamieherrera commented 1 month ago

To explore: How will features like an upcoming iPhone mirroring feature for Mac affect content on hover in a mobile web or native app environment? This would essentially enable a Mac mouse to click on iPhone content from the Mac screen.