w3c / mathml

MathML4 editors draft
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MathPlayer inferences that could be core concept names #476

Open NSoiffer opened 11 months ago

NSoiffer commented 11 months ago

Below are inferences used in MathPlayer. I am recording them here for potential reference when making up core intent concept names.

The names are mostly copied from comments and if used for intent concept names, should be lowercase.

Calculus (assumes subject area is set):

Statistics (assumes subject area is set):

Where should the intent go for the "Probability" intents/examples above? On the mrow? On the P/∩?

Geometry (assumes subject area is set):

Elementary Math:

SimpleSpeak General Rules:

NSoiffer commented 2 months ago

I compared the above list with the core concept as of 19/6/2024 and this is what is missing (not counting the open issues around deriviatives):

Probability and statistics

All of statistics except mean and one form of conditional-probability.


General Rules