w3c / media-and-entertainment

Repository for the Media and Entertainment Interest Group
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Media Containers API #108

Open chrisn opened 2 weeks ago

chrisn commented 2 weeks ago

Originally raised in https://github.com/w3c/webcodecs/issues/24:

It comes up as a common question: can we have an API for media containers? It's something that can be done JS/wasm and is arguably orthogonal to WebCodecs. But for some formats that you might consider video (GIF, (M)JPEG), the line is blurry between container and codec.

This is a tracking issue for a conversation around this topic. My current opinion is to leave it out of WebCodecs until it's more mature and then perhaps readdress it later.

Current thinking in the Media WG is that container parsing can be left to JavaScript or WASM, and that open source libraries fill the gap. Please comment here if you still see a need for a browser API.

This issue tracks a media-related issue/proposal/work item/discussion

dalecurtis commented 2 weeks ago

Some brief thoughts on work since WebCodecs: