w3c / media-production-workshop

W3C Workshop on Web and Media production
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(De-)Muxing API for WebCodecs #35

Open tidoust opened 2 years ago

tidoust commented 2 years ago

A common need for WebCodecs to be useful. Muxing and demuxing can be done in JS/WASM (e.g. by integrating MP4Box.js), but there are currently no reference library that can handle a variety of container formats and integration is somewhat involved. Could libavformat be used? Would it be useful to standardize an API for muxing/demuxing, even though browsers won't support the API natively, to swap libraries easily?

Raised in:

chrisn commented 2 years ago

See discussion on this topic in the WebCodecs repo: https://github.com/w3c/webcodecs/issues/24

This was also discussed at the TPAC 2021 joint meeting between WebRTC WG, Media WG, and Audio WG (minutes), where @chcunningham mentioned doing an assessment of library support, including libavformat.