w3c / media-production-workshop

W3C Workshop on Web and Media production
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Usability issue with the talks page #62

Closed SteveALee closed 2 years ago

SteveALee commented 2 years ago

@tidoust When looking at the Ed Gray talk page on my mobile I got a bit confused.

I pressed the play button under one of the images thinking that was a video payer and sound started but the button again just restarted it, not stopped it.

I now realise the player is at the top of the page and I can pause there. The button I pressed is just a jump to chapter link but I had no clue that was the case and the video stays of page,

I don't know what to suggest. Auto scroll would probably be very disorientating, especially for low vision users. Perhaps use as smaller thumbnail and button so it doesn't look like a player? Or add text indicating it is a chapter marker and video is at top of page?

tidoust commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, @SteveALee. I stole the concept from TPAC talk pages such as TPAC 2021: WebAssembly (member-only link). These pages use a smaller button that is more clearly detached from the slide itself. That would improve things a bit.

The button has a title attribute that reads something like "Start playing at Slide 3 of 10". Another thing that would improve things a bit would be to use that text as the actual button's label.

A companion approch could perhaps be to make sure that the video stays on screen as was done in talk pages for the workshop on Web and Machine Learning workshop, e.g. talk on Privacy-First Machine Learning. But then that is only doable if screen is large enough.

SteveALee commented 2 years ago

That make sense.

happy to review once a preview is available.

Sounds like a good event.

tidoust commented 2 years ago

Forgot to report that updates were made. Closing down the issue but feel free to reopen if you think that does not quite work!