w3c / media-source

Media Source Extensions
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Expand the applicability of the seek "fudge room" beyond just the first TimeRange #205

Open wolenetz opened 6 years ago

wolenetz commented 6 years ago

In https://www.w3.org/TR/media-source/#presentation-start-time, there is a non-normative note essentially noting that seeks and playbacks from presentation start time (time 0) MAY begin playback of ranges that don't begin precisely at time 0. Given that similar support might be desired for any set of jagged-started set of tracks' ranges elsewhere in the timeline, it seems reasonable to allow such seek "fudge room" to work for later ranges.

For example, if the MediaSource has an audio track "[0,10) [5000,5010)" and a video track "[0,10) [5000.020,5010.020)" buffered, it may be desirable to allow seeks to times just prior to 5000.020 (or even prior to time 5000) to allow the respective audio and video ranges to begin playback without immediately stalling. Chrome already includes this support.

jyavenard commented 6 years ago

Firefox also already allows a fudge of +-500ms for seeking and 500ms gap between samples that will be skipped over during normal playback. Having consistency between browsers on how much gap is allowed, and what fudge to use when seeking would be good.

wolenetz commented 1 year ago

See also #267