w3c / media-source

Media Source Extensions
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Compatibility with WebTransport #256

Open wilaw opened 3 years ago

wilaw commented 3 years ago

WebTransport is a framework which enables data transfer between browsers and servers with support for multiple data flows, unidirectional data flows, out-of-order delivery, variable reliability and pluggable protocols. The WebTransport spec is being developed at the IETF and in parallel the W3C just chartered a new work group to address a browser API. A candidate API has been incubated by the WICG.

The request is for MSE v2 to smoothly integrate with WebTransport API, specifically with support for binding the output of a ReadableStream to the input of a source buffer.

chrisn commented 3 years ago

See related issue: https://github.com/w3c/media-source/issues/14

wolenetz commented 3 years ago

Beyond an API like appendStream (#14), is there any requirement for additional signalling capabilities needed in hypothetical extension of MSE to support WebTransport?

aboba commented 3 years ago

One of the scenarios for WebTransport is "low latency streaming". To support this scenario in an interoperable way across browsers, MSE v2 would need to standardize "Low Latency MSE", which is poorly documented today.

Firefox bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1520894

Peter Thatcher covered some of the issues in these presentations: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_xQSoIdN-srjBc-GE_vuQMkxkaer2G-mZBchLPTyY20/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=VD5GBLBiSxo

wolenetz commented 3 years ago

@https://github.com/w3c/media-source/issues/256#issuecomment-703011081: Thank you for providing those links. There are several related efforts either in MSEv2 consideration or in other concurrent spec incubations to better support low-latency media playback scenarios:

Note that I do not construe any of these efforts currently as invalidating MSE feature requests for appendStream (#14) nor this issue (#256).