w3c / modern-tooling

Work of the modern tooling task force
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Group calendar #68

Closed dontcallmedom closed 3 years ago

dontcallmedom commented 6 years ago

Provide an easy way for chairs and staff contacts to maintain an on-line calendar of upcoming teleconferences and meetings; that calendar should be available both as an embeddable visual HTML widget, and as a subscribable icalendar feed.

tripu commented 6 years ago

(Related: w3c/Unitas#19)

vivienlacourba commented 6 years ago

During the spring W3C AC 2018, AC Reps and AB Members have reiterated that this is an important issue to address to improve communication and participation to working group meetings.

plehegar commented 6 years ago

one "cheap" solution would be to use Google calendars and provide a copy of the ical in our servers.

plinss commented 6 years ago

FWIW, the TAG and CSSWG have a NextCloud instance with CalDAV and iCal feeds of meeting calendars. No embeddable widget though.

plehegar commented 5 years ago

I created https://github.com/w3c/modern-tooling/blob/gh-pages/calendar.md for use cases and requirements and will circulate widely today for feedback/comments.

plehegar commented 5 years ago

why should I stay assigned on this one? I thought I had no action beyond drafting the use cases/requirements...

plehegar commented 4 years ago

(the md file is a copy of https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tYid63THgA4VNo2AqHtuohmad_Ia9RpjpScJnCj27Sw/edit#heading=h.fnxhawskfpg0 )

plehegar commented 4 years ago

(adding @caribouW3 )

plehegar commented 3 years ago

note on this front: the group calendaring system is in its final review phase before we deploy it so expect news within 3 weeks.

plehegar commented 3 years ago

See https://www.w3.org/blog/2021/03/group-calendaring-service-enters-beta-test/

Calendar issues should now go to: https://github.com/w3c/calendar