w3c / modern-tooling

Work of the modern tooling task force
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[pre-]populating with GitHub labels #69

Open plehegar opened 6 years ago

plehegar commented 6 years ago

There is no way to import labels to a [new] repo. Instead, one has to add them by hand.

This would allow WGs to reuse the same labels and to provide on top of that a consistent tool that would output a disposition of comments.

Labels are also listed here https://w3c.github.io/issue-metadata.html

dontcallmedom commented 6 years ago

some thoughts:

tripu commented 6 years ago

“There is no way to import labels to a [new] repo. Instead, one has to add them by hand.”

I'm not saying groups should do this (it's cumbersome) but, for the record, @sandhawke documented a way to import labels programmatically, and suggested an initial set of labels of his own.

“This would allow WGs to reuse the same labels and to provide on top of that a consistent tool that would output a disposition of comments.”

There was more or less agreement about merging Sandro's labels with the ones already in this repo. Anyway, the set here has been extended and redefined in the meantime, so I propose we consider the suggested labels good enough, and forget about them until we get significant feedback after some time.

Anyway, +1 to @dontcallmedom's suggestion about doing this from the Repo Manager at some point.

plehegar commented 6 years ago

@tripu should this be co-assigned to you if you're looking at ash-nazg?