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Implement Process 2019 #84

Closed plehegar closed 4 years ago

plehegar commented 5 years ago

Backgrounder: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Process2019

No action needed for:

tabatkins commented 5 years ago

What updates will be needed for Bikeshed?

koalie commented 5 years ago

What action(s) will fulfill "Supersede Process 2018"?

deniak commented 5 years ago

Is there a transition period where both 2018 and 2019 process documents are accepted?

plehegar commented 5 years ago

@tabatkins , I plan to send you a pull request, similar to what I did last year: https://github.com/tabatkins/bikeshed/pull/1178 So, unless you're eager to look into it, no need for action on your part for now.

@koalie , re supersede, it's a matter for changing the redirect in the .htaccess. I'm happy to do it but we need to be in sync in that case.

plehegar commented 5 years ago

@deniak , one month transition period, ie until April 1.

deniak commented 5 years ago

The PR for pubrules is ready for review: https://github.com/w3c/specberus/pull/804

plehegar commented 5 years ago

Side note for the future: we're keeping the dated links for the IPP forms on purpose.

plehegar commented 5 years ago

ok. mostly done here.

@deniak , not quite sure if the pubrules deployment went well however. If a publication gets rejected today, we'll know it didn't...

plehegar commented 5 years ago

there is a new open question regarding displaying affiliations in WGs in light of "A participant may represent more than one organization in a Working Group or Interest Group."

plehegar commented 5 years ago

Regarding AB election, it's on track: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2019JanMar/0032.html

caribouW3 commented 5 years ago

there is a new open question regarding displaying affiliations in WGs in light of "A participant may represent more than one organization in a Working Group or Interest Group."

Currently this can only happen using 2 differents accounts.

deniak commented 5 years ago

@deniak , not quite sure if the pubrules deployment went well however. If a publication gets rejected today, we'll know it didn't...

Pubrules was updated yesterday. If there's any problem ping me. Note, with this release, we do require a HTTPS link in the copyright for Beihang https://github.com/w3c/specberus/pull/805. Respec and bikeshed have already been updated.