w3c / nfc

Early attempt at an NFC API for the Web - see https://github.com/w3c/web-nfc for current work
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Research card emulation #52

Open kenchris opened 9 years ago

kenchris commented 9 years ago

Card emulation could be useful, for instance a website can be used to unlock your hotel door etc.

We need to find out how this could be exposed and whether to use secure element, HCE etc.

This seems to depend on support for ISO-DEP

Android info: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/nfc/hce.html

zolkis commented 9 years ago

We could do hotel room use case with using a scope/id. Since binding HCE to apps needs system permissions, it needs a security exception which has to be contained, e.g. by binding to same origin policy. Then implementations needs to enforce this policy.