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Publication of ODRL Profiles #17

Open riannella opened 2 years ago

riannella commented 2 years ago
  1. Publication of profiles There should be an ODRL landing page for the profiles, an index. Apart from those in this namespace (https://w3c.github.io/odrl/profile-bigdata/), there may be other external --at least we have produced two.

If we want to have them as drafts in URIs such as https://w3c.github.io/odrl/profile-language/, I guess we should discuss them in the general call. Am I wrong? We are interested in the Language Resources case, not so much for the Access Control in Solid --other platforms such as the European Language Grid, Metashare and some Clarin nodes may use them in the next few monts, and they would rather have a more neutral space. I am now in Athens working on this actually...

riannella commented 2 years ago

9) Publication of ODRL Profiles

bact commented 4 months ago

Some more Profiles at https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/wiki/ODRL_Profiles