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Connect `odrl:Agreement` with an `odrl:Offer` and an `odrl:Request` that originated the agreement #29

Closed besteves4 closed 1 year ago

besteves4 commented 1 year ago


Are there any guidelines or recommended vocabulary terms (from ODRL or from other vocabs) to connect an odrl:Agreement with other policies?

The use-case I have in mind is the following: A party publishes an odrl:Offer policy for the target data http://example.com/asset:1 and a second party makes an odrl:Request to that asset. The parties reach an agreement which is recorded using an odrl:Agreement. What properties (represented in the example below with <has offer> and <has request>) should be used to connect the agreement with the offer and the request that originated it?

:offer a odrl:Offer .
:request a odrl:Request .
:agreement a odrl:Agreement ;
        <has offer> :offer ;
        <has request> :request .
riannella commented 1 year ago

The ODRL model 'metadata' section: https://www.w3.org/TR/odrl-model/#metadata recommends the DCMI properties for this.

dct:references could be used in your use case? (as we now the types of the resources, a single property would suffice)

besteves4 commented 1 year ago

Fair enough! I will add this example to the "ODRL Implementation Best Practices" document as I know I am not the only one that had this question. Thanks @riannella