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Problem in Example 7 #45

Closed vroddon closed 3 months ago

vroddon commented 4 months ago

Posted in the mailing list by Sridhar:

"Looks like there is a discrepancy between the statement made in the title of the section https://w3c.github.io/odrl/bp/#x6-how-to-represent-an-agreement-and-an-offer and the EXAMPLE 7 JSON-LD provided below it. i.e. section title says ..agreement and offer.. but code specifies ..set and prohibition..."

vroddon commented 3 months ago

This example is covered by EXAMPLE2 in https://www.w3.org/TR/odrl-model/#policy-offer Nothing to add over this example, therefore I suggest to remove the section here.

vroddon commented 3 months ago
